Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shopping Around

Since I've been out of town nearly every day for a summer class that I'm taking, I've had some opportunities to shop around for baby stuff without having to worry that anyone I know will see me. I can't say I've had the greatest of luck, since the number one thing I was looking for were Pampers size 7, and so far I've found them in neither WalMart, Target, nor the grocery store. However, there's a Toys R' Us/Babies R' Us in the area as well, so I'll stop there probably some time this week. I feel like if they don't have them, I'm just going to give up looking. It's not that big of a deal; I don't need to have them, but I would just like to try them out and I think I should be able to fit in them. And even if I can't, they can always be used as stuffers.

Of course, once I'm there I'm not going to be able to leave empty-handed! Although to be honest I'm not sure what to buy other than diapers. I don't need any new pacifiers unless I can find one that's larger than the Nuk 18+ months, which I don't think is very likely. I definitely don't need any new stuffed animals! Maybe I'll buy a bottle, because I don't have one here. Mostly what I'll probably do is wish I could fit into all of the cute clothes there! I've also been on the lookout for those lately. There's a thrift store I want to check up on within the next week or two to see if they've gotten anything good. My main problem with shopping for clothes is that the regular boys' clothes fit me, but I don't like their designs as much as I like the ones for little boys. I always think the little boys' clothes are so cute and funny, especially the ones that have a picture of something and then the name of it beneath it. I saw "CRAB" the other day at WalMart, but even a 5T is far from being able to fit me! I'm also looking for some shortalls, because I reaaally want some, but so far no luck.

I've been to a couple of dollar stores too, just because I wanted to see what they had. Not much, really, except for one thing I consider a good find, which is the "Angel of Mine" line of baby care products. They're not tested on animals, and of course, only a dollar! You really can't beat that. I bought some baby oil lotion and this really neat baby powder scented spray. I know there is somewhere online that sells a baby powder scent, but it's quite expensive compared to this. I think you could definitely use this to make regular diapers smell nice, as long as you only sprayed it on the outside. I'm also going to spray it on my stuffed whale, Bon Bon, because he got cleaned with Woolite and I don't think that smells so great.

I've found out that I'm going to have a free week between when my summer course ends and when I go on vacation with my family, so I'm really hoping I can drive up to visit Daddy again! I miss him so much. I especially did this past weekend, because I was at a convention and kept seeing things that reminded me of him and thinking about how much fun we would have had if he'd been there. Not that I didn't have fun as it was, but everything is better with him! <3

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