Saturday, June 5, 2010

My First Visit With Daddy

Well, my visit with Daddy was awesome, but of course I expected no less! We did all sorts of stuff...watched movies (including a double feature at a drive-in), ate ice cream, went to the park, the mall, Toys R Us, couple of old graveyards...and cuddled a lot! Oh my gosh, I can't even put into words what a good time I had. It didn't even matter what we were doing, just so long as I was with him. I was so happy I felt like I was going to explode!

We didn't get a whole lot of little time because he lives with his parents, and maybe some people like the thrill of getting caught, but not us! It's okay though, because what we did have was great and there will be plenty of time in the future, especially once I move into my new apartment. I'll have a roommate, and while she doesn't know about me being a little boy, she knows enough about me that if I told her not to come in, she wouldn't come in!

I think we were both a little shy because it was the first time either of us had done anything like that with another person. In fact, it was the first time I had ever worn a diaper, because I had always been too timid to go out and buy any. But we went to Wal-Mart on the first night I was there and got some GoodNites, and since Daddy was with me I wasn't scared at all. We also had some Bambinos that a friend of ours sent, but they were mediums and I'm a very small guy so we decided to layer them over the GoodNites. It was sooo thick and I couldn't stop shifting around because I really liked how it felt.

I couldn't get myself to actually wet them, though. It felt like I had a bit of a mental block against it. As I said to Daddy, you spend your whole life not peeing on/in things, so it's kind of hard to suddenly just throw all that conditioning out the window. I brought the GoodNites and one of the packs of Bambinos home with me, though, so I'm going to practice so that the next time I go see Daddy (hopefully next month!) I'll be able to use them and then he can really change me. After all, it sort of seems like a shame to throw away a dry diaper, don't you think?

We are so lucky to have met the friend who sent us the diapers, because he also sent all sorts of other things that really made this visit (as well as future ones) special, like a onesie, a big stuffed kitty, a really nice bottle, and a Nuk 5. That's a kind of bink, if you don't know, that they only sell in Europe. It's got a really big nipple; it's great! I had read about it before and it really is true what people say, that the larger size makes a big difference. I do still like the smaller Nuk that I have, though. They are mushy and fun to nom on. XD I think it's a good thing I'm not a real baby, because with the way I treat rubber nipples I suspect I'd do a number on an actual one!

Anyways, it was just ridiculously amazing, and I'm so excited about the future of our relationship. And in constant disbelief at how lucky I've gotten! I can't even put the way he makes me feel into words. He's a little better at it than I am, I think, and I also realized yesterday that I haven't yet linked to our DiaperSpace pages. So:

He blogs on his (I used to until I moved over to here, but I'm still active on my account), and wrote about our time together. It's so sweet it made me tear up! Our whole relationship is just...a big pile of kittens! That's the best way I can think of to describe it!

Feel free to add me on DiaperSpace. I pretty much approve all my friend requests, with maybe the exception of people who have absolutely nothing on their profile. I don't understand why you'd just leave it blank, anyways! To me, that's one of the most fun parts of a site like that.

Well, that's all for now. I'm thinking I may go put on one of those GoodNites and get to work on my...un-potty training. Until next time! <3

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