Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Well, it's official - Daddy and I are going to Frolicon! I got my tickets while I was at Dragon*Con because it's much cheaper to get them there then to try to buy them online later. And they gave me a sticker! I am sooo excited. I'm already trying to plan what sorts of things I want to wear! It's a little different from a normal convention, since I won't be wearing actual costumes, but I want to take advantage of the fact that I can dress like a little boy and not be stared at or something. I also need to find some black shorts, because I asked Daddy what he thought he might like to see me in, and one of his suggestions was a white, slightly oversized button-down, black shorts, and black boots. And great minds think alike, because another suggestion was a sailor suit, and I've already been planning to make one of those for a few months now! My friend and I are hoping to start a company that makes Lolita-inspired accessories, so I think it only makes sense that we have cute outfits to wear! And I have wanted a sailor suit forever! I need to draw up the plans for it, though. Once I get that done I'll post them on here...or at least try to remember to!

I'm all hyper and excited because I leave to go see Daddy again tomorrow! Not only that, but we're also going to Anime Weekend Atlanta together! I have really been hankering for an anime con lately because I've been getting back into it more and more, but this one will be extra-special because it's the first con that Daddy and I are going to together. We even got together a cosplay! ...and then of course I had to suggest that we use those costumes to get up to a bit of naughtiness at some point. Daddy is convinced that the character I'm dressing as has secret AB/DL tendencies anyways. XD

I realized last night that little boys really should not be left to their own devices regarding some matters. See, I bought a waxing set (yes, the continued saga of my struggles with hair removal!) a couple of months ago. Technically it wasn't for...down there, only the "bikini area," (which I have come to learn isn't really just a polite way of saying pubes - they really do mean just the area that isn't covered by a typical bikini) but I thought hey, wax is wax, right? It came with some free pre-waxed strips that you warmed with your hands and then peeled apart. I tried them one night and they didn't work very well, but I hadn't had much faith that they would, anyways. However, they did take out some of the hair so I had to wait for it to grow back before I could try again.

My mistake was waiting so long to do so. Specifically, until last night. And, lo and doesn't work so great. It took out a bit more hair than the pre-waxed strips, but mostly it just hurt like a motherbitch and got my hands and everything I touched unbelievably sticky. And now this morning, my skin was very irritated. Not much of a surprise there. I shaved with my electric razor and hopefully tomorrow I will be okay to use my normal one. But the point of all this is...if I hadn't procrastinated and if I hadn't been so confident that the wax would work, I could have been shaving regularly these past two months. If I had done that, maybe my skin would have gotten more used to it, and it would have been a lot nicer for when I go see Daddy. As things currently stand, I don't know what it's going to be like, but I bet it'll hurt tomorrow when I shave. I deserve that, though. And if it looks yucky later...maybe I should ask Daddy to punish me (if he sees fit to). Maybe that would get it through my head that even if I'm not around Daddy, that's no excuse to be irresponsible and not take care of myself the way he wants me to.

I can't really be that annoyed with myself, though. I'm too busy being happy and excited for seeing Daddy! It feels like forever since we've been together, but now, by this time tomorrow (well, give or take a few hours...most likely give, but this time I'll be calling if that's the case!) I'll be in his arms! <3

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